Saturday, December 22, 2012

These are a few of my favorite things....

I would like to first say thanks so much for reading my blog. I promise to have more postings each week as the year goes on.  Don't forget to follow my blog by signing in or adding me to your blog:)

Today I was able to get a lot done. With Christmas right around the corner I wanted to clean the closets and get rid of things for our new presents we will receive. Throughout the day my little one (Zechariah) kept asking for things and I felt like I was moving around him rather than playing with him on my day off. So we played with pirate ships and play dough for a bit. Then he moved on to making faces and being silly so I did too. Then I thought lets get the camera out and have some fun. I think we did:)

I love how kids remind us to stop and have some fun when things get to busy. I think God seen I needed a break:) It was well worth it!


 Have a blessed day and holiday!

Don't forget to follow me for the updates and prizes:)

Monday, November 26, 2012

Sunday, November 25, 2012

What size do I print?

I have to be honest... I am addicted to Pinterest. I have recently been seeing many things on Pinterest to help families decided what to wear (I will post that later in the month) as well as what size to print images after a photo session. I have never thought that this was very important until I started printing images for my own home. I now think of what size I want and where I want it during the session. Then I think what color frame & image style I want for my wall. I came across this on Pinterest and thought it would be perfect to help you decided what size you may want to print  your print or wall art.
For my customers I prefer to send all my prints/wall art to a professional lab for beautiful quality of my images. Please send me a message if you have any questions.

Thanks for following....Have a wonderful & blessed week!

Friday, November 23, 2012

First Give-a-Way....

Thank you so much to....
Stephanie Facemyer
for following my blog & sharing my facebook page on
your facebook page with your friends!

I want to gift you with a FREE PHOTO SESSION!!
You are more than welcome to use this session this year by December 10th

I hope you enjoy this wonderful gift from me to you and your family!

Thanks again to those who follow but didn't win this time the same rules apply for next month but I will add one more way of sharing just to keep it fresh:)

I will announce my next months give-a-way on December 1st
until then Have a Happy Black Friday!!!!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Thank you!

Thank you so much for following my blog, tweets, fb, etc. I wanted to give my first give a way be to a free photo session. I will choose the winner the day after thanksgiving ....Black Friday! Don't forget all you have to do is; like my fb page, share it with a friend or two, and follow my blog! And that's it. All who follow and share will be entered to win! Good luck!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

I am feeling generous....

Every year around this time I feel like giving a bit more than throughout the the year. I started thinking about how I would give and what I would give. The first thing people say when they meet me is "Oh your a photographer! Thats great we need a family photo." So I thought I would give away a FREE photo session.  I will choose one winner the day before Thanksgiving:)
Here is how you can enter to win!
1. Follow this blog!
2. Like my Justified Studio Photography Facebook page
3. Share a link on FB of the Justified Studio website to your wall or friends
& that is it!

Keep following I will be giving away something cool each month!
(ie; prints, canvas, according albums & more!)

I will be posting blogs each sundays.

Thanks for following:)

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Busy doing nothing

Wow its been a while but I have been busy with

In my personal life my 2 year old has been getting the best of us with his tantrums and fits. I have learned to pray much more and try to reason with him. I think its working. At the end of our day I tell him how proud I am that he didnt get a time out for losing his cool. At least we can go to bed with a smile.

My photography has taken a break since June and I have been working on getting some business back so I will be in 2 local high school ads this year and next year. I am so excited to get our name out there and stay busy with what I love doing.

God only gives us what we can handle.

If you are a reader thanks so much for stopping by and reading.

Truly Blessed.

Monday, September 3, 2012

On a sunny day


A few weeks ago (when it wasn't raining everyday) Zechariah and I played outside for the entire afternoon. As a photographer its hard not to always take pictures of your own child and be proud but I would take pictures of my child professional photographer or not. When I took these picture it made me think of how fast kids grow up. How time flys by and before we know it they are in High School. My oldest son is in high school now and I can't believe it myself. Be Patient, Live life, Be Yourself, Don't Worry So Much & Pray Often. That's my advice as a person & a parent.
If you haven't noticed I don't use my blog just for photographer's information. I am a person who has so much more to share lol.
Thanks for reading. 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Peaks, Pits, Praises and Prayers

This week I thought I would add my new journal technique to my blog. I want my blog to be more about me and who I am so here it goes. I confess I have PEAKS in my life. These are times in my life that are my highest. And um yes I definitely have PITS they are my lowest part of my day or life. I also have PRAISES. Things I am thankful to God for. And I have PRAYERS because God is always listening to what we have to say.

This week I have to say my peaks over the last few days is my youngest son. (although he was my pit last week for his fits) I love that he brings me back to being a kid and enjoying the simple things in life. I sometime get so overwhelmed with life, being a wife, and work that I forget to stop and play. I love that he helps me do that daily. My pit this week would have to be not having an extra day off work. I would love to stay home and do nothing sometimes and sometimes they need to be scheduled. My praise for this week goes to my church. and my home church. I feel like I am cheating on my church with my old church but I think this is one affair Jesus would approve. I love both so much and I love hearing God's word from a different perspective helps me understand his word even more. Last but not least by prayers. I pray that we can find a home to call our own and that God points us into the right direction to be around the right people and to help others when we can.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Working on everything at once

This week I have pretty much decided that I have become a better photographer when I fill my bucket with encouraging photographers and people who support me and bring me up. I think that goes for anyone not just in companies supporting companies but for people around us.

This week I need to get a lot of photo "stuff" to do. #1. Finish....FINISH....FINISH!!!! my bomber beauties website. I also need to design and order an album, mail more flyer's to reps in the areas, set new price list on print & have a photo shoot this weekend. I don't think there is ever a dull moment with this business:) and I love it!

Ok enough about that!

Last week my mom came to visit me. She lives only 4 hours away. We moved 3 years ago and its been kind of hard being away. This year I have decided we would see each other more than every 4 months. I love my mommy and daddy and I want to be with them always. Its so funny as a teenager we hated our parents and wouldn't be caught dead being seen with them at the mall. But when my mom comes I want to go to the mall and tell everyone "hey this is my mom!" I think if only our emotions didn't change and we never put our parents through tough times what things might be like. I am just glad my tough times brought us together for the better.

thanks for reading:p

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

What's been going on in my life...because you do care:)

I really need to be honest and tell everyone that I am no good at staying up to date on blogging. So I am setting a weekly reminder to blog about things that are going on in my life. If you are looking for day time drama than dont read on lol. I am pretty boring and but I do live some exciting fun filled days with my family and 2 year old.
So lately in my own life work has been pretty good. I do work a full time job aside running a photography business at  night and on weekends. I am just that kind of person that needs to have something to do all of the time. Its only been 1 year ago that I finally finished school and havent opened a text book to do homework for a grade. Well 6 months before I finished school I started to study photography on my own and havent put it down yet. I love learning all about lighting, ISO and everything you need to know to make sure I am fulfilling my job as a photographer. (BTW I do run of on tangents) ;)

In my photography life I shot my first wedding, my first pin up and my first boudoir, oh yea and my first sweet "13" birthday (with 15 teenage girls). I have to say they were all fun and no they all didnt happen on the same say or weekend. In all of this I have become a better photographer and I love making my clients happy. And learned that I am awesome at editing in a timely fashion:P

In the past I never would have thought that I would seek photography full time but it seems that I am on my way there. I guess that as we get older we should really look at our day time jobs for learning experience and to help us through future mistakes. In my past I sold a certain cosmetic brand for 6 years. I learned customer service skills, money managing skills, sales skills and public speaking skills and nun chuck skills.....ha ha ha jk. In the end I couldnt do it any more, not because of clients or money but because I moved and I was starting all over.
Sometimes a move or new job can help us realize that we can have a fresh start on life or our interest, I guess thats when I truly began my love for photography.

I hope this helps you know a little bit more about me:)
Thanks so much for reading

Saturday, May 5, 2012

The dark side

Just having some fun in the dark. I love capturing the curiosity in his eyes. This is a great picture to practice for mom's & dad's for a birthday image. Practice just like this one take a candle out and start shooting. It's one of the hardest images to get when things are happening so fast at a party but if we want to capture the that moment we don't want a flash to go off and ruin it.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Gillen Wedding-April 21, 2012

On Saturday April 21, 2012 Whitney & Jon Gillen
exchange their vows and became Mr. & Mrs Gillen. It was a geourgous day and not a storm cloud in the sky. On Friday it rained cats & dogs even I thought we may have rain on their wedding day. Whitney & Jon celebrate their day at Victory Church in Lafayette,IN and Ross Camp in West Lafayette, IN. On the day of their wedding the sun was shinning bright and God looked down and smiled on these two who fell in love all over again on this day. We were able to capture all outdoor pictures out at Happy Hallow Park in West Lafayette, IN. The wedding was beautiful. The Bride was stunning and the Groom was so handsome. Their wedding party were so helpful and loving during the entire day. I have never seen so much love in one wedding, besides the bride and groom. I know Whitney & Jon laughed, cried and had fun thoughout this entire day.

Thank you so much for viewing their images. Please feel free to follow my blog and add your comments to the bride & groom.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Time fly's when you are having fun!

I can't believe its almost May. I say that each time the month is past day 15. I know I shouldn't be rushing time but I always think what I have done this month so far. Well this year I had so many goals. One was to update my blog every 2 weeks well yeah. I kind-of forgot. Anyways one of my other goals was to get the Justified Name out there! I feel like more and more people are learning that I am passionate about photography and they want me to capture those moments. So overall time has flown by because I am having so much fun doing what I love.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Say "cheese"

As each day passes I find myself pleased by the simple things Zechariah finds interesting and fun. I love spending my day photographing every moment he does something new. As a mom its so hard to know when to take the right pictures and know when your kid doesn't want their picture taken. I think no matter what its a picture to show them the fun, tears and happiness you shared together with them that day. This is was the perfect moment that we shared a together doing what I love most being a mom.  

Sunday, February 5, 2012

30 day photo challenge

I have started a photo challenge from a post I seen on Pinterest. Well I tried. I did really well my first few days and after the 5th day I forget and thought, "I will get back to it". Now I am going to start from where I left off and add my photos on my blog. I think it is such a great challenge for anyone to try not just photographers. I personally set a timer to remind me. I think its neat to stop in the middle of what you are doing and snap a shot of your life in the day.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Professional or not?

I came across this word "fauxtographer" "A person that claims to be a good photographer when in reality they just set their camera to automatic mode a start shooting."  I think this really is actually pretty funny. First off don't consider myself a fauxtographer. Well actually I don't think anyone would but reason why I am not is simply because of 3 main reasons. 1. I don't shoot on "auto" I actually hate it. All pictures don't turn out just because it's on "auto". I shoot on the setting that I have been trained to shoot with according the shoot.  2. I am and have invested my own hard earned money into this "small" business that will become larger one day. I feel that everyone has wishes, desires and hopes of becoming better at something after they pouring their heart, money, blood and sweat into any dreams. If we don't try we will never know what God really has designed us to be. 3. I respect those out there who are also photographers and recommend them often if there is something I don't shoot. I also respect the business side of a photographer I also advertise by website, postcards, ads, etc.  So a fauxtographer is what I am not. On another note: a professional is only someone who does there profession full time. I think I know a lot of people who have a full time job and a professional hobby who make a lot of money as well. An amature is someone who does it part time but I know many amature's who study, work and shoot full time. Well I guess the call is yours. If you like my or their work (photos) nothing else really matters :)