Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Peaks, Pits, Praises and Prayers

This week I thought I would add my new journal technique to my blog. I want my blog to be more about me and who I am so here it goes. I confess I have PEAKS in my life. These are times in my life that are my highest. And um yes I definitely have PITS they are my lowest part of my day or life. I also have PRAISES. Things I am thankful to God for. And I have PRAYERS because God is always listening to what we have to say.

This week I have to say my peaks over the last few days is my youngest son. (although he was my pit last week for his fits) I love that he brings me back to being a kid and enjoying the simple things in life. I sometime get so overwhelmed with life, being a wife, and work that I forget to stop and play. I love that he helps me do that daily. My pit this week would have to be not having an extra day off work. I would love to stay home and do nothing sometimes and sometimes they need to be scheduled. My praise for this week goes to my church. and my home church. I feel like I am cheating on my church with my old church but I think this is one affair Jesus would approve. I love both so much and I love hearing God's word from a different perspective helps me understand his word even more. Last but not least by prayers. I pray that we can find a home to call our own and that God points us into the right direction to be around the right people and to help others when we can.

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